Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Posidon Forever!

Hello everybody! I would just like to start off by saying how dare you. Only two people voted on my poll and they both went to Patrick Swayze! Well I guess he was pretty hot in that movie but Matt Dillon was 10 times better! (no offense) Ok so on Saturday I went to my dear cousin Taylor's house and if I do say it was amazing! I don't really remember what we did on Saturday but on Sunday after we got back from church we left prank call messages for Demi Lovato and the Jonas Brothers. Most of them either I was Ponyboy and Taylor was Johnny (code names to disguise us so we wouldn't get caught!) or I was still Ponyboy and Taylor was Two Bit. It was pretty funny and some of them even made it to where other fans could hear our messages! We also heard some pretty weird ones while trying to find our own! The whole time I was there I was stressing to finish The Lightning Thief since I knew we would be seeing it on Monday in celebration of Taylor's birthday! Happy Late Birthday Taylor! (even though I was there on your real birthday) So right when I woke up Monday morning I read, read, and read! I had like 80 more pages left so I was dying to finish it and I did! YAY!!!!! So we went to see the movie with me, Taylor, Taylor's mom Shana, Dana, Jeremy, Natalie (who did awesome for a five year old during a pretty scary movie!), and Chris. In celebration of the movie I drew lightning bolts on both of my cheeks, wrote Posidon on my left arm, and wrote Percy Jackson on my left arm. Now if you go see The Lightning Thief please read the book first! It's way better! The movie didn't even follow the book really well and even created kind of their own story because they changed Percy's reason for traveling across the country! They also took out a couple of parts that I was looking forward to seeing! :( Oh well! So when the title screen first came up I yelled GO POSIDON!!! while waving my arm around. Then at the end we all yelled (at different times) Olympians forever! So yeah! Talk to you later!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Outsiders

Hello everybody! Well, so yesterday my team at school got to watch the Outsiders because the regular class read that book and the advanced class (me) had to read the worst book ever by the worst author ever (no offense to those who like him) Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. So as I was saying I sat by my best friend Maya and we watched the movie. Now before I go anymore into it this is a movie where a lot of actors got their start like Tom Cruise, Patrick Swayze, and Matt Dillon. So anyway, there were a lot of hotties in that movie and all the girls were arguing over who was the hottest, including me ;), Maya thought that Rob Lowe who played Sodapop was the hottest but she was sadly mistaken because I thought that Matt Dillon who played Dallas was the hottest by a long shot. So I want to hear your opinion. You can either base your answer of memory or google them (but make sure when you google them add in the Outsiders so you voting for the right movie) and vote on my poll which one you thought was better looking. So on a different note: My friend Amanda (the one that moved to Texas) has a chance to come back to AZ!! But when Brina called her Amanda said that she kind of wanted to stay because she made friends in Texas. So I was like "Well what does that make us?!". So we decided to make a movie (which we attempted last Friday) to make her want to come back. Now our little cast was me, Brina, Vanessa S., and Maya. So we went to the park by me and Brina's house and the camara was out of batteries so we started prank calling people until Maya's dad came and picked her up like an hour after (which was completely unfair!). So me, Brina, and Vanessa went back to my house to watch one of the best movies of all time. Beauty and the Beast. I know right? So then Vanessa had to leave at nine and me and Brina played American Idol on the PS2 until eleven at night. (She got voted off while singing "Don't you want me" to Simon) :). So remember to vote on the poll because I'm curious! Bye!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

Hi guys! Well I guess where I left off was the break. First, we had our annual Heywood Christmas party with white elephant and a visit from the donkey. For the white elephant at first I got a pair of cute christmas slippers and a jar of pecans or some other type of nut (I forgot). But unfortunatley my cousin Katie stole it. :( So then I stole a gumball machine and a bag of gumballs from my other cousin Chris. He wasn't too happy about it. Then after the party Taylor and Maddie stayed behind for a sleepover. We watched Harry Potter 5 and 6. Maddie didn't get some parts so me and Taylor spent the whole time explaining different things. But I'm not complaining I love Harry Potter! The next day we went to go get Christmas pedicures. Right when we got there me and Maddie went to the two farthest chairs and there was a guy, yes a guy, was getting his toenail polish removed! Maddie unfortunatley had to sit next to him (sorry Maddie!). I got cute Christmas Tree nails, Maddie got cute little snowmen, and Taylor got cute stripes. So overall, CUTENESS! Then we went to Taylor's house and we made two plays one about Pearl Harboramd one about a dad who leaves his two kids, kidnaps them, they escape, and he dies. I the pianist in both of them. One thing the Heywood cousins are great at is making plays. Then on Christmas Eve we went to my grandparent's house. Then came Christmas! So just a little taste of what I got is an Ipod touch, a new laptop (becuase I desperatley needed one), the Office season 5, Harry Potter 6 in this cool official case, a Harry Potter journal (last 2 from my grandparents), and a Harry Potter shirt that says I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good" on the front and "Mischeif Managed" on the back. Yesterday I saw Sherlock Holmes and it was pretty good! Tomorrow I'm going to see The Blind Side so yeah! Talk to you later!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Discoember!

Hey y'all! Again, Discoember is yet another corny name my school came up with. November was Movember like Mo town. Yeah my school is kind of lame. This week is Spirit week and this time, I am getting into it! Yesterday was crazy glasses day here is a picture!

My awesome shades

Today was Superhero day so last night me and my mom ran to Target and we bought this awesome shirt.

It's Wolverine! Just about the best superhero EVER!!!

Tomorrow is Tie-Dye day, Thursday is Rock Star day, and Friday is spirit day where each grade wears their grade's color and mine is black which is about the easiest color to do. On the Friday after Thanksgiving Taylor came over to my house and we partied Harry Potter style. We went to go see Harry Potter 6 (which came out on DVD today and my mom told me that I have to wait till Christmas so I'm waiting for stupid Netflix to give it to me) since Taylor hadn't seen it. I was planning on bringing my wand because (spoiler alert!) in the movie when Dumbledore dies, they all raise their wands so I wanted to raise mine since it was just the dollar movie and you can do just about anything in there, but I forgot it! Me and Taylor were cracking up the whole time especially when (spoiler alert!) Dumbledore dies. I don't know what was so amusing but it just was especially when Malfoy cries. He's so sensitive!! Also I have a great song suggestion so next time you can go on youtube and look up "Eet" by Regina Spektor. It's so amazing! Also if you're in for a laugh Fred, the youtube successor, released an actual song called "Chirstmas is Creepy" by Fred Figglehorn. I saw it on Disney Channel. I just went on youtube and it sounds like he's making a whole cd. I personally think Fred is funny but if you think he's "hackin" annoying, I wouldn't suggest looking at it. I personally thought it was pretty good and it has a good beat. Bye y'all! BTW my vote for the blog is either Jim, Pam, or Angela.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Ok sorry but this title is like my school's theme. On every single announcements over the speakers they play like some rock song to celebrate "Rocktober" and they're going to have rock band playing in the gym that people can play but you have to pay $1. So my fall break was pretty awesome because I went to none other than the fantastical D.C. It was a lot of fun! On the first day we met up with our friends from our ward, the Hatches, and went to part of the American History museum and the International Spy museum. At the spy museum I decided that me and Annie (the youngest Hatch) would NOT make good spies. So in the museum, they have these vents that you can crawl through and spy on the people in the other room. Annie and I of course did exactly the opposite! We would be as loud as we possibly could and Annie was doing sommersaults in the vents and crashing into the sides which made so much noise. Then Jessie (who is a year older than me) came up and told us to crawl through as fast as we could which also made a lot of noise. When we were done going through the vents after like the 53rd time we went through, my mom said we had to stop because we sounded like "a herd of elephants". Her words not mine. Every night in D.C. I would stay up until midnight watching a movie. This started when my mom brought Wolverine and I had never seen it so I decided that I would only watch the first part. Of course I couldn't put it down because it was so great! So I watched it until the very end and I was very tired the next morning. Lets see, another great thing that happened this month is that we bought The Proposal and counting the movie theaters I've seen that movie 5 1/2 times. As you can see I love that movie and it is now my favorite. Today it's Ryan Reynolds (He's in Wolverine and The Proposal) birthday so I am about to go and frost some cupcakes in celebration of his birthday. Right now me and my mom are working on my Slytherin costume for our ward Halloween party tomorrow so it should turn out pretty great. Oh and if you read this vote on the poll! Unless of course you haven't seen any of the episodes then I guess you can't. Peace Out! Btw my vote for the poll is by far Ryan Reynolds.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Deathly Hallows Here I Come!

Hi! My title is due to the fact that I am on the very last book in the wonderful Harry Potter series! That's right I am on the Deathly Hallows! So this weekend I went to our ward campout with my dear cousins Taylor and Dana. On the way there, we pretty much talked the whole time and jammed out to awesome songs. When we got there I was almost done with the 6th book so I took the 7th Harry Potter book as well. So I tried looking ahead in the 7th book and saw something I wasn't supposed to see so Taylor and Dana would not even let me look at the book! When we got there we had dinner, had some smores, and went to the tent. I told them that I would finish the 6th book and Taylor made me read it out loud so she knew I wasn't skipping any parts. While I was reading, I would pause and tackle Taylor to try and get the book but she overpowered me. I finished the 6th book that night and I gotta say that I LOVED it! The next morning we ate breakfast and Taylor and Dana went on a hike with some of my buddies and I stayed behind to watch the activities. Then I decided to start reading the 7th book and Taylor and Dana found me. After that we went rock jumping in the stream for a little while and then we played egg golf as a three team. If I do say so myself I think we destroyed!! Then we went in the stream again and we found out that it is very hard to fight those rapids. On our way back home we stopped at Wildflower to get some lunch and we saw the guy who plays Neville Paperman from iCarly! Yesterday was Tom Felton's birthday so I had to celebrate. I made an I heart Draco t-shirt and I made cupcakes that spelled out Tom Felton! Oh and by the way, at the campout I ran into a tree branch and got a Harry Potter scar. Oh yeah! See ya! (for pictures look at my mom's blog)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Just Dance

Sup y'all! Right now I am watching Ellen because I cannot get enough of that show! So I have ginormous news! I finished Harry Potter 5 a couple of weeks ago and I am now in the middle of the 6th book! Oh yeah!! Anyways, the title is of course the excellent song by Lady Gaga and I just got back from our 8th and 7th grade dance. It was SOOO much fun! I went with my friend Brina and we found a great group of people to dance and be plain weird with. We had a really good time! Nothing has really happened to me so far but in F.A.C.S. we did make Frozen Frappucinos and I had mine with no coffee so it was pretty much just a chocolate milkshake. It was still good and who doesn't love chocolate milkshakes? I just wanted to say just in case I don't make it on time Happy Birthday to my Aunt Alicia and of course Tom Felton on the 22nd! Even if I have never met Tom Felton does not mean that I can't celebrate his birthday!! Isn't it so great that he's turning 22 on the 22nd? I just thought that was so great! Even though one time in every person's life they accomplish that (unless you're birthday is on leap year like my friend Hunter), I still think it's so great! Anyways, that's all for now!!